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1 Information processing speed and working memory in inpatients with first-diagnosed and chronic schizophrenia 2021 Vol.18(17):110-113,121
ZHANG Yangyang TANG Luping GUO Xinxin LIU Haisheng YU Xiaoman TIAN Lin▲ [Abstract] (78) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 567 KB] (4934)
2 Structure, function and innervation of ciliary muscle 2020 Vol.17(12):53-56
LYU Xiaoli1,2 TAO Jinhua1 MIAO Wanhong1 [Abstract] (779) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 711 KB] (2150)
3 Application effect of interactive education system nursing in self-management of adolescent patients with depression 2023 Vol.20(19):190-193
GUAN Chunlan1 XU Chunhua2 BU Yangying3 [Abstract] (9) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 605 KB] (1804)
4 Retrospective analysis of occupational exposure in clinical medical laboratory 2018 Vol.15(2):43-45,57
YANG Yuelin1 CAI Shuanghong2 QIAN Jing1 ZHAO Xiaoli1 LI Haisheng1 HU Dachun1 [Abstract] (858) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 903 KB] (1259)
5 The present situation and enlightenment of foreign smart home care 2021 Vol.18(10):43-46
HUANG Qiyuan LI Ying TANG Xianping [Abstract] (257) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 566 KB] (1218)
6 Association of cognitive function with immune biomarkers and comprehensive inflammatory scores in adolescents with unipolar and bipolar depressive disorder 2023 Vol.20(28):115-118,131
SHENG Dongfang1 YANG Fan2 ZHONG Jing3 YU Jinming4 CHEN Yihua4 DU Baoguo4 XU Mingzhi2▲ [Abstract] (20) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 695 KB] (1018)
7 Research progress of transitional nursing model in rehabilitation nursing of stroke patients with limb dysfunction 2023 Vol.20(25):70-72,76
NIU Shaoqian WANG Rui YANG Weidong FENG Ling▲ [Abstract] (12) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 554 KB] (903)
8 Influence of intensive nursing under the concept of accelerated rehabilitation surgery on the prognosis effect of patients with femoral head necrosis undergoing total hip replacement 2023 Vol.20(27):183-186
GE Yixuan1 HUANG Zhihui2 WAN Rong1▲ [Abstract] (27) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 611 KB] (892)
9 Influence of stroke emergency nurses’ participation in management on the treatment effect and doctor’s satisfaction of patients with acute ischemic stroke 2022 Vol.19(23):166-169,193
CHEN Xiufang ZHAO Qiumei LUO Guoying XIANG Songfei [Abstract] (8) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 724 KB] (883)
10 Study on quality evaluation in different grades of medicinal materials and medicinal pieces of Paeonia radix alba in Bozhou 2021 Vol.18(24):4-7
LI Fang1,2 HUANG Weifeng3 WANG Haibin1,2 ZHOU Jianli1 HUANG Yanmei1,2 WANG Desheng1,2 [Abstract] (409) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 833 KB] (747)
11 Effects of medical counseling games on children with hidden penis and their families 2023 Vol.20(13):170-175
JIN Lihong1 LI Danting2 FANG Jingjing1 YU Linjun1 HU Wenhui3▲ [Abstract] (16) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 823 KB] (635)
12 Application of artificial intelligence in drug discovery 2019 Vol.16(33):162-166
SUN Yajing LI Chunyang ZENG Xiaoxi [Abstract] (323) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 848 KB] (576)
13 Establishment of the input-output evaluation system of the scientific research fund of the tertiary hospital 2021 Vol.18(13):153-158
SHI Han1 GAO Yuan1 JIAO Jingxuan1 LIU Sihan2 ZHAO Haiyu3 [Abstract] (100) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 749 KB] (570)
14 Realistic difficulties of traditional Chinese medicine culture propagation and countermeasures 2018 Vol.15(31):119-123
FU Wendi [Abstract] (315) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 582 KB] (559)
15 Clinical effect of antibacterial silver ion dressing combined with Prandll liquid dressing on diabetic foot 2019 Vol.16(11):130-133
GAO Qian1 CHEN Yi2▲ [Abstract] (825) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 663 KB] (553)
16 New progress of artificial intelligence in medical application 2021 Vol.18(13):43-46
LI Yan1 YANG Guoqing2 SHUANG Jiaoyue1 [Abstract] (81) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 537 KB] (531)
17 Analysis and research of international communication of traditional Chinese medicine culture#br# 2022 Vol.19(12):124-128
YIN Lu1* XU Rong2* GAO Ang2 GAO Xuecheng1 WANG Xiaopin1 [Abstract] (148) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 763 KB] (527)
18 application effect of high-quality nursing at perioperative period in treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation by radiofrequency ablation 2018 Vol.15(22):157-160
JIA Qin ZHENG Mingxia HE Sen [Abstract] (225) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 616 KB] (520)
19 Research progress of traditional Chinese medicine intervention in colorectal cancer based on Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway 2022 Vol.19(14):32-35
YANG Binbin1 CUI Ning1 ZHANG Yanan2 ZHAO Wenxiao3 WANG Shijun2 [Abstract] (107) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 530 KB] (520)
20 Clinical observation of modified Stoppa and ilioinguinal approach for the acetabular fractures 2021 Vol.18(3):84-87,92
CHEN Dong1 ZHU Feng2 GONG Jie1 DI Dechun3 WANG Dechao4 [Abstract] (462) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 623 KB] (519)
21 Research on efficiency of health resources allocation in national traditional Chinese medicine hospitals based on DEA model 2019 Vol.16(36):165-167,177
YUAN Lei1 QU Huilong2 LU Xiaojuan3▲ ZHU Jiahui4 ZHU Borui4 SUN Jinhai1▲ [Abstract] (266) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 624 KB] (517)
22 Application effect of yijinjing exercise in patients with lumbar disc herniation during remission period 2022 Vol.19(25):124-128
LI Yang WANG Wenyi SI Mengran JI Qing CAI Junhao WANG Guimao [Abstract] (11) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 756 KB] (517)
23 Roles of various components in tumor microenvironment in the occurrence and development of tumor 2018 Vol.15(6):39-43
TANG Yan ZHANG Mengmei WANG Fei YANG Ze WEI Xiangyao WANG Yuanyan BAI Yuju [Abstract] (831) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 547 KB] (496)
24 Research progress on pathogenesis of physiological insomnia 2017 Vol.14(29):37-40
DU Jianeng1 LIU Cong2 HAO Xuliang2 NI Yan2 XU Wenwen2 JI Haixia2 [Abstract] (978) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 570 KB] (489)
25 QbD application in drug research and development 2017 Vol.14(29):178-180
SU Xian1 GAO Yunjia2 [Abstract] (870) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 305 KB] (486)
26 Immune infiltration mechanism of differential genes in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy based on GEO database#br# 2021 Vol.18(35):32-37,57
YIN Xietian1,2,3 ZHAO Shichao4 XIANG Nan1,3 CHEN Jidong1,3,5 ZENG Mingxing3,6 ZHOU Guangwen3,7 [Abstract] (150) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2579 KB] (478)
27 Advances in the study of function and clinical application of exosomes 2018 Vol.15(34):45-48
WEI Xiaojing1,2 HU Xiao1,2 [Abstract] (716) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 559 KB] (475)
28 Effect of effective teaching behavior of clinical nursing teachers on the adaptability of nursing students 2020 Vol.17(1):78-81
QIAO Jihua DONG Shuwan MA Li [Abstract] (726) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 641 KB] (450)
29 The relationship between hospital administrative personnels′ job burnout, professional identity and job satisfaction 2017 Vol.14(29):53-56
LI Junlong1,2 XU Peiyao1 GAO Jia1 BAI Qingsong3 LIANG Yike2 LI Xinyue2 SU Wei1 [Abstract] (341) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 515 KB] (433)
30 Analysis of influencing factors of non-suicidal self-injury behavior in adolescents with depressive disorder 2023 Vol.20(28):101-104,109
GE Yiran1 YANG Jiajia1 WANG Shuyi1 WANG Xingguang2 ZHANG Sihua1 FENG Hongyun1 YANG Tanyu1 [Abstract] (19) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 658 KB] (432)
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