The present situation and enlightenment of foreign smart home care |
HUANG Qiyuan LI Ying TANG Xianping |
School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Jiangsu Province, Xuzhou 221004, China |
Abstract Facing the severe aging trend of population in China, “how to provide for the aged” has become a challenge for the government and society. In recent years, China has promoted the combination of “internet+” and older adult care industry. Smart home care services have emerged. However, China’s smart home care is still in the infancy stage. If we want to give full play to its advantages, we must refer to foreign advanced science and management technology. This paper reviews the development status of smart elderly care in foreign countries, focusing on the application of remote medical care, smart home, artificial intelligence and other elderly care facilities in the home life of the elderly, and puts forward some suggestions on the top-level design, supply and demand matching, talent training and smart service popularization of smart elderly care in China, so as to provide some reference for the development of smart home care in China.
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