Research progress of transitional nursing model in rehabilitation nursing of stroke patients with limb dysfunction |
NIU Shaoqian WANG Rui YANG Weidong FENG Ling▲ |
Department of Neurology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University West China School of Nursing, Sichuan University, Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041, China
Abstract Limb dysfunction is a complication of stroke, which can affect the quality of life. The early post-hospital rehabilitation nursing is an important part of the treatment of stroke complicated with limb dysfunction. However, rehabilitation is a long-term process, and most patients who survive the acute phase will leave sequelae, and the incidence of limb dysfunction is very high, reducing self-care ability and quality of life of patients. At present, our country has not realized the multi-linkage of hospitals, families, and patients, and the community service capacity is relatively insufficient, and the management of chronic diseases is limited. In recent years, transitional nursing model has been proposed, which is a nursing model adopted to ensure the coordination and continuity of nursing work during the transition period of patients at all levels of medical and health care institutions, and is widely used in continuous nursing from hospital to community. This paper reviews the application of this model in limb dysfunction of stroke patients, hoping to provide reference for rehabilitation nursing of patients with this disease.
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