Retrospective analysis of occupational exposure in clinical medical laboratory |
YANG Yuelin1 CAI Shuanghong2 QIAN Jing1 ZHAO Xiaoli1 LI Haisheng1 HU Dachun1 |
1.Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Hospital of Kunming, Yunnan Province, Kunming 650011, China;
2.Kunming Medical University, Yunnan Province, Kunming 650011, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze occupational exposure events in clinical laboratory, find the strategy for the reduction of occupational exposure, in order to improve laboratory safety management. Methods The performance information of the exposed personnel, training records of biosafety theory and occupational exposure events from 2011 to 2015 in Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Hospital of Kunming were analyzed, to find out possible factors associated with occupational exposures. Results There were 24 staffs involved in occupational exposures in the laboratory for nearly 5 years, account for 95.8% of which who have less than 5 years of working experience. Less than one year of working experience led to 66.7% of all occupational exposures. 100.0% of staffs involved in occupational exposures own junior titles, account for 45.8% of which were the intern students. There was no correlation between the incidence of occupational exposure in the laboratory and the number of theoretical trainingsand risk education that the staff had received about professional exposures. Acute injuries accounted for 79.2% of occupational exposures. Jobs with sharp devicesare 1.67 times of occupational exposures compared with other jobs, including blood collection, analysis of blood gas and blood culture transfer. Conclusion The junior staff and students in the laboratory are the majorpersons potentially involved in occupational exposures. The theoreticaltraining is not sufficient for preventing occupational exposures. Therefore, one of the effective ways to reduce the occupational exposures in the laboratory is to give junior staffs multiple on-the-job trainings, including operations, risk assessment and examinations.
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