Application of aromatic drugs in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis |
ZHANG Yu1 LI Jingyi2 ZHUO Ga3 LI Fuyao1 DAI Ning1 REN Qingjia4 LI Feng1 |
1.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Research and Communication Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
3.Department of Tibetan Medicine, Tibet Traditional Medical College, Tibet, Lhasa 850000, China;
4.Institute of Tibetan Medicine, Tibet Traditional Medical College, Tibet, Lhasa 850000, China |
Abstract The number of patients with allergic diseases will grow rapidly with the prosperity of the economy, in which allergic rhinitis can develop into allergic asthma, induce anaphylactic shock, and then endanger life. Therefore, effective treatment of allergic rhinitis and blocking the process can prevent the occurrence of allergic asthma and many other diseases. At present, drug treatment in western medicine is mainly symptomatic treatment, but the recrudescence of allergic rhinitis and the process of disease can not be effectively prevented; immunotherapy for allergies can be used as a cure, but there are many allergies that have not developed immune agents and the variety of allergies is too numerous to enumerate. Therefore, the Chinese medicine treatment of allergic rhinitis is especially worthy of research. Starting from the etiology and pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis, utilize aromatic drugs in natural drugs to reduce phlegm dampness, regulate qi and activate blood, open the orifices and spread the collaterals, clarify the mechanism of the treatment of allergic rhinitis, and then carry out the study on the effective components of medicinal herbs in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, action target and therapeutic pathway, and lay the foundation for the development and research of new drugs and new dosage forms for allergic rhinitis.
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