Study on the quality standard and preliminary pharmacodynamics of Freeze-dried Toad Skin Gel |
LU Hongyan1 HUANG Shengwu2▲ |
1.Xisha Department of Pharmacy, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310000, China;
2.School of Pharmacy, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310053, China |
Abstract Objective To establish the quality standard and preliminary pharmacodynamic study of Freeze-dried Toad Skin Gel. Methods TLC was used for the qualitative identification of Cinobufagin and Resibufogenin, HPLC was adopted to determine content of Cinobufagin and Resibufogenin. Chromatographic column: kromasil C18 (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm); flowing phase: acetonitrile (A)- water (B) (48∶52); flow rate: 1 mL/min; UV detection wavelength: 296 nm; column temperature: 30℃; the volume: 10 μL. S180 ascites solid tumor mice were used to study the pharmacodynamics of inhibition of tumor growth. Results The fluorescence spots of the same color were shown in the corresponding position of the Silica gel G thin layer, and the spot size was moderate and the separation degree was good. Cinobufagin and Resibufogenin showed good linearity between the peak area and the concentration in the range of 0.056-4.48 μg/mL (r=0.9987) and 0.256-10.24 μg/mL (0.9996), respectively. The sample recovery rate(n=6) was 100.27%, 101.68%, RSD was 1.56% and 1.67%. The Preliminary pharmacodynamics study showed that all groups of Freeze-dried Toad Skin Gel had significant anti-tumor effect, and the high-dose group had the best effect, with the inhibitory rate of 48.03%. Conclusion The quality standard of Freeze-dried Toad Skin Gel is established, and the preliminary pharmacodynamics shows that it has a significant anti-tumor effect.
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