Essential drugs of hypertension and diabetes and its drug analysis based on hierarchical medical system in China |
LIU Shiyong1,2 ZHAI Yi1 WU Jing1 LIANG Xiaofeng3 |
1.Division of Non-Communicable Disease Control and Community Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China; 2.The Hospital of Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China;
3.Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China |
Abstract This paper checks essential medicine list and supplementary of hypertension and diabetes in some provinces, analyzes supplementary drugs coincidence rate as well as its equipment and use of hypertension and diabetes bases on hierarchical medical system in China, and finds that there is big difference in supplemented quantity of essential medicines in hypertension and diabetes, which top five of coincidence rate reaches 44.8% and 34.5%. The frequency of drug use and sales have supplemented in common compared with high coincidence rate of drugs in supplementary drugs. The paper suggests to integrate local supplement and national essential medicine list and then to increase drugs with effective treatment, less adverse reaction, high independence of patients and relatively low average daily expenses, and adjust high frequency or supplemented high coincidence rate of drugs to the next version of national essential medicine list, so as to narrow the difference of essential medicines list between the grassroots medical institutions and general hospitals, and promote the priority of essential drugs.
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