Clinical application of the idea of “transporting spleen and removing turbidity”#br# |
LI Fuhai1 ZHAO Hanqing2 WANG Xuehong1 ZHANG Xiaoguang1 LI Xiangyang1 CAO Haifang1 |
1.Yixian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Yixian 074200, China;
2.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei University, Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, China |
Abstract Professor Lu Zhizheng, the master of traditional Chinese medicine, has been practicing medicine for more than 80 years. He advocates the idea of spleen and stomach and has researched and developed the modern theory of diseases caused by dampness. The theory of transporting spleen and removing turbidity is one of the important contents of his academic thoughts. In the 1980s, Professor Lu Zhizheng put forward the theory of “more multiple dampness in north China”, and all diseases are caused by dampness. Among them, “endogenous turbid evil” is the characteristic of his theory of diseases caused by dampness. The so-called endogenous turbid evil is the product of the abnormal function of the spleen and stomach, and is also an important pathogenic factor of human body, including the failure of the transport and stagnation of dense and turbid fine substances in the body, and the retention of damp-turbidity and turbid phlegm, which further affect the circulation of qi and blood and cause disease. By restoring the function of spleen and stomach to treat turbid evil, called transporting spleen and removing turbidity. Professor Lu Zhizheng has accumulated rich experience in more than 80 years of clinical practice, especially in the treatment of endogenous turbid evil with spleen and stomach as the center, and take into account other organs, so-called holding the central, transport four sides, light and lively medicine, more effective. Using the concept of transporting spleen and removing turbidity to treat modern internal diseases has a very good effect. The author has some understanding and research on the theory of transporting spleen and removing turbidity with Professor Lu Zhizheng for many years. This paper discusses and summarizes the concept of endogenous turbid evil and the theory of transporting spleen and removing turbidity, and expounds and summarizes the author’s therapeutic experience of transporting spleen and removing turbidity in internal medicine, trying to explain the important significance of this theory in modern clinical practice.
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