Experience summary on diagnosis and treatment of chronic gastritis by famous veteran traditional Chinese medicine doctor Cui Minlu#br# |
WANG Xiongli1 LIN Mingyu1 LI Chunxiang2 CHEN Lifen3 |
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhai Hospital of Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, Jinjiang 362261, China;
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fujian Province, Quanzhou 362200, China; 3.Mammary Gland Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinjiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fujian Province, Jinjiang 362200, China |
Abstract Cui Minlu’s treatment of chronic gastritis is due to deficiency of qi and yang, stagnation of dampness and heat, and the combination of cold and heat, resulting in the disorder of ascending and descending, stomach disharmony and descending. Therefore, the treatment principle is to take care of the middle yang, transport spleen for eliminating dampness, relieve oppression and eliminate distension, and recover its rise and fall. Chronic gastritis is associated with psychological factors, from the point of view of five viscera storing spirit and spleen as pivot and ascending and descending pivot of spleen and stomach, traditional Chinese medicine should focus on regulating spleen and stomach, restoring its ascending and descending, supplemented with tranquilizing products. The recognition of chronic gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori infection is more in line with the theory of dampness toxin in traditional Chinese medicine. In terms of treatment, the three factors should be taken into consideration in combination with the regional characteristics of Southern Fujian, in the first half of the year, the growth is more than enough, but in the second half of the year, the collection is insufficient. Spring and summer are long, autumn and winter are short, damp and hot are common, yang in constitution is insufficient, and spleen and kidney are deficient in the later period. Therefore, on the basis of clearing heat and removing dampness, we should pay attention to the care of zhongyang, it is advocated to warm and transport spleen yang to help clear away dampness and heat, combined with the progress of modern medicine, the micro syndrome differentiation, combined with endoscopic lesions, pay attention to the addition and subtraction of special drugs, pay attention to nourishing the kidney and latent yang in the later stage, pay attention to its root, recover its rise and fall, which is worthy of popularization and application.
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