Clinical experience of Professor Fan Ruiqiang in treating eczema from wind and dampness theory#br# |
YE Yunting1 FAN Ruiqiang2 CHEN Xinsheng2 YUAN Juanna2 WU Yuansheng2 |
1.The Second Clinical Medical College, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510405, China;
2.Department of Dermatology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China |
Abstract This paper introduces Professor Fan Ruiqiang’s experience in curing eczema, which is one of the most common skin disease. Professor Fan Ruiqiang puts forward that eczema is a disease caused by the combination of wind and dampness. Professor Fan Ruiqiang enriches the connotation of wind and dampness, and points out that the release of wind open the way for the invasion of harmful insects and unclean things from the outside. At the same time, the dampness viscosity makes the pathogenic substances stagnant on the muscle surface and fill the skin. Both of them work together to cause the invasion of the guard surface and induce eczema. Professor Fan Ruiqiang points out that wind and dampness are mixed, and they fight and compete with each other, which further intensifies, and then either heat, fire, blood or yin, forming various syndrome changes. The common syndrome types in the early and progressive stage of the disease are rheumatism trapped in the surface and excessive damp heat and toxin. The common syndrome types in the chronic stage are spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation, blood deficiency and wind dryness, yin deficiency and wind dryness. In terms of treatment, we should pay attention to the method of eliminating wind and dehumidification on the basis of syndrome differentiation and treatment, and integrate different means such as oral administration of Chinese medicine, external treatment of Chinese medicine and Western medicine, so as to obtain good results.
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