Investigation on origin and development of frequent blinking#br# |
JIANG Deyou LIANG Lin XIE Ying CHANG Jiayi LI Fuzhen CHEN Fei LI Wenhao HAN Jieru |
School of Basic Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract The cognition of frequent blinking in traditional Chinese medicine can be traced back to the Song dynasty. Qian Yi first put forward the main cause of “liver wind into the eyes”, which was fully extended and developed in the Ming and Qing dynasties. This disease is a common clinical disease, mostly seen in children, but also in postpartum women, its self-healing possibility is very small, and even sustainable to life, affecting people’s normal life and appearance characteristics, belongs to the category of difficult diseases. It is concluded that most of the disease sites are liver and spleen. The etiology is caused by wind, fire, phlegm, deficiency and infantile convulsion, and the treatment is mainly to expelling remnant, invigorating and dingzhong method. This paper tries to identify the main idea for the treatment of this disease, so it traces back to the original source, so as to prove the ancient and determine the present.
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