Comparative analysis on situation and trend of caregiver psychology in China and abroad based on CiteSpace software |
WANG Mi1 LIN Zheng1,2 ZHOU Meijing1 GU Zijun1 SUN Caiyun1 |
1.School of Nursing, Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 211166, China;
2.Department of Nursing, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210029, China |
Abstract Objective To compare the situation and trend of the caregiver psychology in China and abroad, so as to provide references for Chinese caregirers. Methods CiteSpace 5.6.R5 knowledge Graph software was used to perform visual analysis on caregivers’ psychological literature collected by CNKI, Wanfang and Web of Science core collection database from January 2010 to December 2019. Results A total of 2785 Chinese literatures and 7223 English literatures were included. In recent ten years, the annual publication volume showed an overall upward trend both in China and abroad. The top three publishing institutions in China were Central South University, Zhengzhou University and Fudan University, while the top three abroad were the King’s College London, the University of Toronto and the University of Melbourne. Caregivers of Alzheimer’s and mental illness had been paid attention to both in China and abroad, and caregivers of adolescence had been paid attention to abroad. Cross-sectional studies of caregiver positive psychology tended to be frontier, while relevant clinical evidences had begun to be studied abroad. Conclusion Research on psychology of caregivers in China has attracted attention, but there is still a gap between China and foreign countries. Domestic scholar should combine local resources to look out adolescent caregivers, focusing on the positive psychology of caregivers and its influencing factors, and carry out relevant intervention researches.
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