Template construction of “combined treatment based on diagnosed disease, pulse and syndromes” based on the knowledge element indexing |
LI Yiran ZHONG Xianggen YANG Feng LI Qianqian HOU Jianchen ZHOU Ranran LI Ran TAO Xiaohua |
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract “Combined treatment based on diagnosed disease, pulse and syndromes” is a clinical diagnosis and treatment mode derived from Zhang Zhongjing’s theory. In order to fully explore this characteristic model of diagnosis and treatment from ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine, so as to better serve clinical practice, this study construct a knowledge element indexing template of the mode “combined treatment based on diagnosed disease, pulse and syndromes” which adopts a four-step diagnosis and treatment decision-making schema of “disease differentiation- normal pulse- syndrome analysis-definite treatment” as the line of thinking, and contains 31 knowledge elements such as disease name, etiology, differential diagnosis, main pulse, concurrent pulse, syndrome differentiation, pathogenesis, treatment, prescription, medicine, acupuncture, cure reaction, prognosis, mistreatment, and so on, to carry out in-depth indexing of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine and create a knowledge base of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine. This indexing method can comprehensively show the knowledge connotation of the theory of distinguishing and treating ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine, fully excavate the value of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine, provide the basis for the database retrieval of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine and the visualization of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, and realize the deep integration of ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical needs.
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