Analysis on medication rules of Menstrual Diseases in Zhichan Medical Cases from Menghe famous doctor He Jiheng |
CHEN Yutong YU Rong TAN Yan ZHOU Cong WU Yongjun XIANG Qin |
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Hunan Province, Changsha 410208, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze medication rules of Menstrual Diseases in Zhichan Medical Cases based on ancient and modern medical record cloud platform, and provide reference for clinical treatment of menstrual diseases. Methods The effective medical records of Menstrual Diseases in Zhichan Medical Cases were screened and recorded, database was created and imported into ancient and modern medical records cloud platform. The frequency analysis of single drug, correlation analysis, traditional Chinese medicine attribute and cluster analysis were carried out by software to study rules and characteristics of He Jiheng’s menstrual regulation drugs. Results A total of 258 effective prescriptions of menstrual diseases were entered, involving 167 traditional Chinese medicines. Fifteen traditional Chinese medicines were used more than 70 times, of which Angelicae Sinensis Radix (249 times) was the most used traditional Chinese medicine. Drugs were mainly attributed to liver and spleen channels. The main effects were regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening intestines and defecating, tonifying blood and activating blood circulation. The drug combination with the highest frequency of drug association analysis was Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Paeoniae Radix Alba. Cluster analysis showed that the three groups of cluster prescriptions were frequently used in clinical practice. Conclusion He Jiheng pays attention to nourishing blood and qi, soothing liver and strengthening spleen in the treatment of menorrhagia, and implements two methods of regulating qi and blood and regulating liver and spleen from beginning to end.
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