A textual research on Whitmania pigra Whitman as the origin of Hirudo |
HE Changhao CHEN Xiaoying ZHANG Xiaomeng WANG Lei HU Sumin |
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China |
Abstract Since 1963, Whitmania pigra Whitman has been regarded as one of the basic elements of Hirudo in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. With the development of animal taxonomy and zoologists’ in-depth study on the family and genus of hirudo, some researchers have questioned the use of Whitmania pigra Whitman as the origin. By consulting the monographs of materia medica and natural history, the blood sucking feeding habit is not the only standard to judge the basic source of medicinal leeches. Whitmania pigra Whitman meets the characteristics of “mazhi” among the medicinal leeches: living in a fresh water environment, with an average body length of about 10 cm, yellowish brown on the back, yellow on the belly, many dark longitudinal lines on the back, spindle shaped, slightly higher on the back and flat on the belly. Whitmania pigra Whitman should be the “maqi” in the notes to the collection of Bencao Jing Jizhu. It has been one of the basic sources of medicinal leeches since it is recorded in the northern and Southern Dynasties. Combined with modern pharmacology, medicinal and chemical research results and clinical application, Whitmania pigra Whitman family should be used as the basic source of medicinal leech and should not be eliminated.
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