SWOT analysis of global health cooperation of western key province in China under “belt and road initiative” |
WU Qiong CHENG Cai |
Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100020, China |
Abstract Sichuan Province as a key connection of “belt and road initiative”, analyzes “belt and road initiative” health cooperation. It is of great significance to accelerate the international health exchange and cooperation in western advantageous areas, and then promote the development of the overall health cause in western region. This paper summarizes “belt and road initiative” health cooperation, analyzes advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of “belt and road initiative” health cooperation according to SWOT analysis method. Sichuan Province should be strengthened to promote the development of “belt and road initiative” health cooperation, promote Chinese medicine overseas, innovate the mode of health care, and close cooperation with World Health Organization so as to create a new pattern of “belt and road initiative” health cooperation, give better play to its radiation leading role in international health cooperation in western region.
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