Changes of glucose and lipid metabolism, thyroid hormone and antibody levels in patients with T2DM and their clinical significance |
CAO Yu ZHU Wenlin CHU Wuyang |
Department of General Medicine, Anqing First People’s Hospital, Anhui Province, Anqing 246000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the changes of glucose and lipid metabolism, thyroid hormone and antibody levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and their clinical significance. Methods A total of 76 T2DM patients admitted to Anqing First People’s Hospital of Anhui Province (hereinafter referred to as “our hospital”) from April 2020 to October were selected as the study group. They were divided into light group (6 mmol/L<FBG≤8 mmol/L, 37 cases), medium group (8 mmol/L<FBG≤12 mmol/L, 26 cases) and heavy group (FBG > 12 mmol/L, 13 cases) according to the level of fasting blood glucose (FBG). In addition, 76 healthy subjects in our hospital during the same period were selected as the control group. Differences in the levels of glucolipid metabolism index (including glycosylated hemoglobin [HbA1c], FBG, triacylglycerol [TAG], total cholesterol [TC], low density lipoprotein [LDL], high density lipoprotein [HDL]), thyroid hormone (including total triiodothyronine [TT3], total thyroxine [TT4], thyroid stimulating hormone [TSH]), and autoantibodies (including thyroid peroxidase autoantibody [TPOAb] and thyroglobulin antibody [TGAb]) between groups were compared. Results The levels of HbA1c, FBG, TAG, TC, LDL, TSH, TPOAb, and TGAb in the study group were higher than those in the control group, while the levels of HDL and TT3 were lower than those in the control group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). The levels of HbA1c, FBG, TAG, TC, LDL, TSH, TPOAb, and TGAb in medium and heavy groups were higher than those in light group, while the levels of HDL and TT3 were lower than those in light group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). The levels of HbA1c, FBG, TAG, TC, LDL, TSH, TPOAb, and TGAb in the heavy group were higher than those in the medium group, and the level of TT3 was lower than that in the medium group, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Conclusion Changes in glucose and lipid metabolism, thyroid hormone and antibody levels in T2DM patients can effectively reflect the severity of the disease. Clinical detection of glucose and lipid metabolism, thyroid hormone and antibody levels in T2DM patients is of great significance for diagnosis, evaluation and targeted treatment of the disease.
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