Exploring the rule of traditional Chinese medicine in improving endometrial receptivity based on data mining method |
YU Qin ZHAO Yilin ZHOU Juan YAN Hua |
Center for Reproductive Medicine, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the rule of traditional Chinese medicine in improving endometrial receptivity through data mining method. Methods The literatures on the improvement of endometrial receptivity by traditional Chinese medicine published on CNKI, Wanfang database and VIP from January 2010 to June 2020 were collected, and the statistics of traditional Chinese medicine, drug flavor, drug properties, frequency of channel tropism, association rule analysis and cluster analysis were performed by Excel and SPSS statistical software. Results A total of 110 prescriptions were included, involving 142 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. The most frequent drug was dodder seed. The drug flavor is mainly sweet, bitter, and pungent. In terms of drug properties, warm and flat drugs were mostly used, which mainly belong to the liver, spleen and kidney channels. A total of 21 core drug combinations and four cluster formulae were obtained. Conclusion The improvement of endometrial receptivity is mainly tonifying and replenishing liver and kidney and regulating qi and blood. The liver and kidney should be paid attention to while the spleen and stomach should be taken into account.
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