Treatment of stroke from the replenishing liver and kidney based on Huang Yuanyu’s theory of “one qi circulation” |
LIU Zehua1 YAN Yongmei1 LI Tao1 WANG Dou2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China;
2.Department of Encephalopathy, Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China |
Abstract Most physicians in the past dynasties believe that the cause of stroke is closely related to insufficient qi and blood and deficiency of liver and kidney. Huang Yuanyu’s theory of “one qi circulation” has been innovative on the basis of inheriting the classic theory. He believes that the deficiency of middle qi runs through the whole course of stroke. Based on the holistic view of “one qi circulation and soil drives four emblems”, he concludes that the pathogenesis of stroke is deficiency of primordial qi, deficiency of middle qi, cold water and soil dampness, and stagnation of wood that lead to liver wind symptoms, liver wood inability to grow and stretch, leading to stroke. The author uses the theory of “one qi circulation” to analyze the internal mechanism of stroke “yin-yang disharmony, qi and blood reverse disorder”, and concludes that the primary cause of stroke is deficiency of qi and soil dampness, and the fundamental cure is to replenish liver and kidney. The treatment should focus on regulating the rise of the left path of the kidney, spleen and liver in the “one qi circulation”. To replenish the liver and kidney focuses on “making cold water warm” instead of “making depleted water abundant”. By warming the kidney and water to warm yuanyang, drying the spleen and soil to consolidate the middleqi, benefiting the qi of liver to make the pivot flexible, to achieve a good prognosis of mild soil and water, flourishing liver and wood, and quiet wood and wind. The theory of “one qi circulation” has important clinical guiding significance in differentiating and treating stroke, which is worthy of further study.
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