Discussion on “menstrual regulation focus on nourishing yin” by Professor He Fengjie based on natural period therapy |
WANG Haijing1 HE Fengjie1 ZHU Hongli1 LI Nan1 LI Xiaoning1 CHEN Mei1 BAI Jun1 PANG Yu2 |
1.Department of Gynaecology, Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712000, China;
2.Department of Gynaecology, Baoji Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shaanxi Province, Baoji 721000, China |
Abstract Professor He Fengjie more thinks that “closed and stop tendency menstrual disorder” is mainly pathogenesis characterized by yin deficiency, blood deficiency and fluid deficiency, and contains other symptoms. Clinical treatment should focus on nourishing yin and fluid and give consideration to other syndrome. In the treatment, it is advocated that menstrual regulation should be based on the natural period, and nourishing yin should be emphasized. Taking “nourishing blood and nourishing yin essence in the whole period, and seeking yang in the second half of the cycle to warm yang” as the method of clinical syndrome to add or subtract medication for conditioning, especially for stubborn and difficult “closed and stop tendency menstrual disorder”, such as retarded menstruation, hypomenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, etc, is particularly important. In this paper, a large number of literature and combined with clinical experience gain to further elaborate the theory.
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