Research progress on the role of acupuncture in parturient delivery |
ZHENG Xiaoying LI Yan ZHANG Xiaoyu |
School of Clinical Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Labor pain is a physiological reaction during labor, which is an important factor leading to cesarean section and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Therefore, painless delivery has become a hot topic of obstetrics and gynecology department and the majority of women. Clinical labor analgesia is mainly divided into drug and non-drug, both of which have their own indications. Drug analgesia may bring symptoms such as uterine inertia, prolonged second stage of labor, etc. As a non-drug induced analgesia, acupuncture has the advantages of less trauma and high safety, and is widely used in labor analgesia. Acupuncture not only has analgesic effect, but also can inhibit the stress response, shorten the labor process and reduce bleeding, which can effectively improve the safety of childbirth and protect the newborn. However, there are still some problems of incomplete analgesia and low analgesia intensity in the course of childbirth. To this end, this paper, through a comprehensive analysis of the relevant research on the process of childbirth at home and abroad, aims to explore the application effect and influence of acupuncture in childbirth.
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