Medical psychology network teaching feedback and its influence on medical students’ emotional intelligence |
SHEN Li ZHOU Xiang GAO Ya LI Meng ZHANG Guangyin |
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, the First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate and analyze the current status of medical psychology online teaching methods for medical students. Methods From March to July 2020, a total of 116 undergraduates from the 2018 traditional chinese medicine internal medicine class of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine who took elective medical psychology courses were surveyed, and an electronic questionnaire was distributed. Soliciting suggestions on the effect of medical psychology online teaching methods and the selection of teaching methods. Results A total of 85 medical students completed all the research contents and were eventually included in the study, with a completion rate of 73.3%. All of them had studied medical psychology online, and 58.8% of medical students believe that blended teaching combining classroom and internet was their preferred teaching method. The trait coping style questionnaire showed that 49.4% of medical students could basically or certainly quickly turn negative factors into positive factors, while only 11.8% of students cannot quickly adapt to difficulties and pains. The emotional intelligence scale questionnaire showed that 56.5% of medical students were good at controlling their emotions, which was very important in the process of clinical admissions. Conclusion The blended teaching model combining medical psychology classrooms and the Internet is more accepted by students. To a certain extent, it promotes active responses and emotional management of medical students, thereby improving the humanistic quality of medical students and promoting the development of medical education.
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