Professor Li Guangxi’s experience in treating obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with chronic kidney disease by warming yang and replenishing qi and resolving phlegm |
XIA Kun1,2 GAO Jian1,2 TANG Wenli1,2 WANG Shihan3 LI Guangxi2 |
1.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Respiratory, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China;
3.Department of Cardiovascular, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China |
Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and chronic kidney disease have a two-way effect, which can induce each other. According to many years of clinical experience, Professor Li Guangxi believes that the two diseases can be classified as metabolic disorders of qi and body fluid. If yang does not change into qi, then water dampness (phlegm) condenses, and water (phlegm) stops, then yang qi is blocked. That is, yang qi deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney, phlegm and water dampness are the main pathogenesis characteristics, traditional Chinese medicine should be based on warming yang, benefiting qi and resolving phlegm. Among them, warming yang includes warming and tonifying spleen yang, strengthening and protecting kidney yang. Benefiting qi is divided into promoting lung qi, tonifying spleen qi, and absorbing kidney qi. Resolving phlegm is actually eliminating lung phlegm, drying and resolving spleen drink, and dividing kidney water. According to the characteristics of the disease and the characteristics of pathogenesis, it can be used to achieve good results. A medical case is attached to it, which provides a new way of thinking for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with chronic renal disease.
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