Theory origin and application history of “teeth are the surplus of bones” |
DING Kan1 ZHI Yingjie2 ZHANG Lijun1 |
1.Institute of Chinese Medical History and Literature, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;
2.Institute of Clinical Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Based on the literature review of ancient Chinese medicine books, this paper sorts out nearly ten concepts of the relationship between teeth and bone, such as “zhong”“yu”“rong”“biao”“hou”, explaines their meanings, and clarifies the general context of the theoretical evolution. Among them, Lingshu Jing explains the relationship between the five zang organs and the five flavors by “the tooth is the end of the bone”, which is the source of its theory. At the same time, under the theory guidance of “teeth are the surplus of bones”, teeth become the indicators to observe the rise and fall of kidney essence and the growth and aging of human body. This theory is often used to explain the pathogenesis of cold limbs, atrophic debility of bones, and many dental diseases, which is mainly related to kidney qi deficiency or yin deficiency and fire excess. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, the theory of epidemic febrile diseases rose, on the basis of which the tooth examination method is derived, which become the unique method for the diagnosis of epidemic febrile diseases. Kidney tonifying herbs and bitter herbs are commonly used to tonify bones and teeth, as well as a large number of explanations of the mechanism of bone drugs, which is the embodiment of the theory to guide clinical medication. This paper mainly reviews from the above aspects of the origin and development of the theory of the main tributaries of the system.
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