Comparison of the key drivers of outpatient satisfaction in tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and general hospitals in China |
GUO Ran HU Linlin HU Zhimin ZHAO Qi LIU Yuanli |
School of Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China |
Abstract Objective To study the key influencing factors of outpatient satisfaction in tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and general hospitals in China and their similarities and differences, and to provide specific suggestions for improving the quality of medical services in the two types of hospitals. Methods The Likert 5 levels patient satisfaction scale was used to investigate the satisfaction of outpatients in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and general hospitals. The importance matrix analysis method was used to identify the key drivers of outpatient satisfaction in the two types of hospitals. Results The common key advantages of the two types of hospitals included “diagnosis and treatment service”, “medical emotional care” and “hospital guidance sign”, while the common key disadvantages were “treatment time” and “spatial layout”. At the same time, the key advantages of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals included “consultation service”, the key disadvantages included “service window”, and the key disadvantages of general hospitals included “waiting time” and “environment of rest and waiting area”. Conclusion The overall satisfaction level of outpatients in tertiary hospitals in China is relatively high, and the key advantages of the two types of hospitals are basically the same. Spatial layout and treatment time are areas that need further improvement in both types of hospitals. Meanwhile, compared with general hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals should pay more attention to the service attitude of window staff, while general hospitals should pay more attention to the optimization of medical treatment process and improve the environment of rest and waiting area.
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