Influencing factors of cognition and behavior of postpartum breastfeeding in elderly full-term cesarean section women |
CAO Yiwen FANG Danni WANG Jiajie▲ |
Department of Obstetrics, Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Hospital, Shanghai 201315, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the influencing factors of cognitive and behavior of postpartum breastfeeding in elderly full-term cesarean section women. Methods A prospective selection of 523 elderly full-term cesarean women who completed their delivery at Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital from June 2019 to January 2020. The breastfeeding cognitive behavior scale was used to assess the postpartum breastfeeding cognition at 12 h postpartum. The cognitive behaviors were divided into good feeding cognitive behavior group (287 cases) and poor feeding cognitive behavior group (236 cases). The baseline data, through single factor and multivariate analysis of two group were counted and compared, the factors affecting the poor cognitive behavior of postpartum breastfeeding were found. Results There were statistically significant differences in breastfeeding knowledge, family support function, living environment, family monthly income, and visual analog scale (VAS) at 12 h postpartum between two groups (P < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in age, pregnancy times, education level, medical insurance, pregnancy comorbidities, postpartum complications, and postpartum feeding time (P > 0.05). After single logistic regression analysis, poor understanding of breastfeeding knowledge, poor family support function, rural living environment, family monthly income <3000 yuan, and VAS at 12 h postpartum were all influencing factors of behavior in cognitions of postpartum breastfeeding for elderly full-term cesarean women (OR > 1, P < 0.05). Conclusion The poor cognitive behavior of postpartum breast feeding in elderly full-term cesarean section women may be affected by understanding of breast feeding knowledge, family support function, living environment and other factors in women, the early postpartum evaluation of the elderly full-term cesarean section women should be focused on clinically, and implementing reasonable intervention according to the risk factors.
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