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Clinical observation of millifire needle combined with liming tendon manipulation in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
LIU Haiyong1   ZHANG Jin2   LIU Fubiao3   WANG Yanying4   WU Xiaojian5   ZHANG Rui6   YANG Lisheng7
1.Liu Haiyong Innovation Studio, Sanhe Hospital, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
2.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sanhe Hospital, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
3.Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Sanhe Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
4.the Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Sanhe Hospital, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
5.Department of Emergency Medicine, Sanhe Hospital, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
6.Grass Roots Health Unit of Sanhe Health Bureau, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China; 
7.Department of Endocrinology, Sanhe Hospital, Hebei Province, Sanhe   065200, China
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