Professor Zhu Shan’s experience in treating children allergic purpura by stages based on warm disease theory |
FU Haibo LIU Ya HUO Xiuyun ZHU Shan |
Department of Pediatrics, the Second Affiliated Hospital of He’nan University of Chinese Medicine, He’nan Province, Zhengzhou 450002, China |
Abstract Based on the classics of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical records, this article summarizes Professor Zhu Shan’s experience in treating children allergic purpura by stages based on the theory of warm disease. Professor Zhu Shan thinks that the main cause of allergic purpura is exogenous pathogenic factor. The pathogenesis is that heat injures blood collaterals and blood overflows outside the veins. The course of disease is in accordance with the general law of blood transmission of weifen, qifen, yingfen, and xuefen. Therefore, guided by the theory of febrile diseases, it can be divided into three stages: the stage of evil attacking the exterior, the stage of evil entering the blood and the stage of positive deficiency and evil love. The treatment follows Ye Tianshi’s treatment method of “when you enter the camp, you can still transfer qi from heat to heat. when you enter the camp, you are afraid of consuming blood and moving blood, you need to cool blood and disperse blood”. Treating by stages, dispelling pathogenic factors and calming people.
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