Drug-induced thrombocytopenia induced by Fucididic Acid: a case report and literature review |
XIAO Kun ZHANG Cuiling |
The Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510000, China |
Abstract Drug-induced thrombocytopenia (DITP) refers to a disease in which the platelet count is lower than the normal range (<100×109/L) caused by drugs, resulting in bleeding and other symptoms. A patient who the author accepted with pulmonary infection caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus developed thrombocytopenia during the course of anti-infection treatment with conventional Fusidic Acid (FA), and was diagnosed as DITP. After treatment with discontinuance of medication and intensive monitoring, the platelet count returned to the reference range. The prognosis of this patient is good, but it is worth clinical reflection and experience summary: first of all, there have been many case reports on DITP caused by cephalosporins and Linezolid, but there are few reports on FA induced thrombocytopenia, and case reports are needed to improve clinical vigilance; secondly, both severe infection and antibiotics can cause thrombocytopenia, so it is necessary to discuss the causal relationship, judge and summarize the clinical features to make a good diagnosis and differential diagnosis; thirdly, the occurrence of DITP includes multiple mechanisms, and the treatment methods for DITP caused by different mechanisms are different, so it is necessary to analyze the mechanism of DITP caused by FA and explore its treatment plan. Therefore, this paper reports the diagnosis and treatment of one patient and reviews the relevant literature, introduces the diagnosis, clinical features, treatment, prognosis and pathogenesis of DITP caused by FA, in order to improve the awareness and vigilance of clinicians, so as to make early diagnosis, timely treatment and improve the prognosis.
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