Appreciation and analysis on the proven cases of master of Chinese medicine and Professor Duan Fujin in the treatment of infantile chronic malnutrition based on syndrome differentiation |
DAI Jinzhu1 HU Xiaoyang2 TANG Renkang2 LIANG Hua2▲ |
1.Department of Pediatrics, the First Affliated Hospital, Pediatrics, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China; 2.School of Basic Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine,Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Professor Duan Fujin (1930—2019), a master of Chinese medicine, had a significant effect in treating infantile chronic malnutrition. He made good use of classical prescriptions Liujunzi Decoction and Lizhong Decoction for modified treatment, and developed a remarkable curative effect of Xiao’er Wenpi Xiaoji Powder. Professor Duan Fujin pointed out that the etiology of contemporary infantile chronic malnutrition is mostly because of “deficiency resulted from excess”. For this, attention should be paid to “dredging and elimination in combination”. At the same time, children should be required to avoid food accumulation and slowly recover spleen qi. He paid attention to invigorating spleen and stomach when taking medicine, and made good use of medicine that can clear the organs without hurting qi, and warm the spleen without helping fire. His ideas and experience are worthy of promotion and practice. This article analyzes 3 proven cases to show Professor Duan Fujin’s clinical thoughts and differentiation methods, in order to provide references for the clinical treatment of infantile chronic malnutrition based on syndrome differentiation.
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