Analysis on syndrome differentiation and treatment of palmoplantar pustulosis based on the theory of “damp heat producing insects” |
ZHANG Shuyuan1 ZHANG Qinyuan2 ZHANG Xiao1 |
1.Department of Dermatology, Liaocheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shangdong Province, Liaocheng 252000, China;
2.School of Chinese Medicine, Shangdong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shangdong Province, Ji’nan 250355, China |
Abstract Palmoplantar pustulosis is a common surgical disease of traditional Chinese medicine, common itching, exudation and desquamation and other clinical manifestations. The disease is extremely persistent and protracted, which can have a great impact on the daily life of patients. In ancient China, the earliest records of palmoplantar pustulosis can be traced back to Oracle Bone Inscription Dynasty. The ancient doctors discuss the clinical manifestations and treatment methods of palmoplantar pustulosis in detail, but there are few records on its syndrome differentiation and treatment. “Damp heat producing insects” is one of the characteristic theories of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a high generalization of etiology and pathogenesis. The author thinks that the main responsibility of the disease is “damp heat producing insects” based on the research of traditional Chinese medicine literature. On the basis of the theory of “damp heat producing insects” in traditional Chinese medicine, the disease can be divided into four types: insect pathogen in the surface, insect in the muscle, insect in the blood and insect toxin for a long time. And the author summarizes clinical manifestations and therapeutic prescriptions of each type respectively, in order to provide new ideas and methods for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of palmoplantar pustulosis.
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