Relationship between breast hyperplasia and breast cancer from the ancient literatures of Ming and Qing Dynasties |
LUO Runjia1 WANG Xingyu1 XU Qianqian2 SUN Xue2 LI Jingwei3 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250014, China;
2.College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250014, China;
3.Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250014, China |
Abstract Traditional Chinese medicine surgery has developed and matured in Ming and Qing Dynasties, the understanding of breast disease reaches a new height. It is found that there is a correlation between breast hyperplasia and breast cancer, but modern medicine also believes that the occurrence of breast cancer is related to breast hyperplasia. Based on the analysis of famous doctors and their works in Ming and Qing Dynasties, this paper discusses the relationship between breast hyperplasia and disease name, etiology and pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment principles and methods of breast cancer. The nomenclature of disease is closely related to symptoms and signs, and emotional factors are the main causes of both diseases. Both liver and spleen injury and thoroughfare-controlling vessels disharmony are the common pathogenesis, clinical manifestation of breast tuberculosis is a common symptom, with the further progress of the disease, the difference gradually show up. The key to treat the mastophilia and lactolith is to dredge liver and regulate qi, replenish qi and blood, and pay attention to emotional adjustment.
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