Analysis on the characteristics of the core academic thoughts of Lingnan dermatology school of traditional Chinese medicine |
WANG Wuhao LI Hongyi DANG Ruonan CHEN Qiumei MO Junxi WU Yuansheng |
The Second Clinical Medical School, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510120, China |
Abstract Lingnan dermatology school of traditional Chinese medicine is rooted in the soil of Lingnan medicine, which is an important branch of Lingnan medicine school. Analyzing and summarizing its core academic thoughts is conducive to the inheritance and innovation of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, which also can enrich the academic connotation of Lingnan medicine. The core academic thought of Lingnan dermatology school of traditional Chinese medicine is born by Xuan Guowei, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, based on inheriting the classical theory of traditional Chinese medicine, combining the characteristics of Lingnan region and clinical experience of more than 50 years. The specific ideological connotation includes: attaching importance to five kinds of clinical thinking of traditional Chinese medicine; it is advocated that regulating yin and yang is the school of curing diseases, and it is emphasized that the treatment of refractory and intractable skin diseases can be based on the principles of “kidney” and “poison”; the prescription of skin diseases should be combined with Chinese and Western medicine, internal and external medicine, and three factors should be taken into consideration; paying attention to the diagnosis and treatment from multiple perspectives, and emphasizing the influence of social and psychological factors on the prevention and treatment of skin diseases.
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