Experience introduction of Professor Jia Liqun in the treatment of malignant tumor based on the theory of “gallbladder dominating decision” |
LIANG Wanxian1,2 ZHANG Litai1,2 LOU Yan’ni2 JIA Liqun2 |
1.School of Clinical Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Oncology Department of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Gallbladder in traditional Chinese medicine has the function of storing and dispersing gallbladder essence as well as gallbladder qi. When gallbladder loses the function of dominating decision, different emotional manifestations and even diseases will be shown, such as depression, anxiety, and so on. Professor Jia Liqun thinks that occurrence of malignant tumors is closely related to qi stagnation caused by disfunction of gallbladder. Patients usually have clinical manifestation of emotional disorder, bitterness in the mouth and distending rib pain. According to different types and period of tumor, Professor Jia Liqun thinks that treatment should be established in the view of the “gallbladder dominating decision” theory and syndrome differentiation, such as harmonizing shaoyang to treat thyroid disease, thyroid cancer and breast cancer, soothing liver-gallbladder to treat gallbladder cancer and pancreatic cancer, nourishing spleen and gallbladder to treat advanced stage caner including esophageal cancer and colorectal cancer. A case is attached to prove its effectiveness.
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