The analysis of history of the performance evaluation of the community health service based on CNKI in China |
YANG Songyan CAO Yan |
School of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the status of the performance evaluation of the community health service in China, and explore the development, so as to provide reference for performance improvement. Methods By retrieving and screening the literature about performance evaluation of the community health service in CNKI, SPSS 22.0 and Excel 2010 were adopted for statistical analysis. It was restricted that the time of the retrieved literatures was from January 2003 to September 2017. Results There were 213 articles of literatures in line with the inclusion criteria. The total number of literatures was small. Distributed in 74 kinds of journals, they were pretty dispersive. There were 64 articles of literatures with the support of fund project with a small total number. The output of literatures created by the academic leader was low and the number was five at most. Conclusion It should increase the degree of the fund support and encourage the scientific research cooperation, to effectively transform the scientific research achievements into social benefits. Improve the performance of the community health service, and give full play to its functions and roles.
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