Analysis and Countermeasures of the party building work of the postgraduates of master of traditional Chinese medicine |
ZHANG Chao1 LI Xin’an2 BAI Juan1 |
1.Postgraduate School, He’nan University of Chinese Medicine, He’nan Province, Zhengzhou 450046, China;
2.the First Clinical Medical College, He’nan University of Chinese Medicine, He’nan Province, Zhengzhou 450004, China |
Abstract At present, the Party building work of the postgraduates with master’s degree of traditional Chinese medicine (hereinafter referred to as “master of traditional Chinese medicine”) is facing new situation and requirements. This is because since 2015, after the integration of clinical practice teaching in the later stage of master of traditional Chinese medicine and the standardized training system for resident doctors of traditional Chinese medicine (hereinafter referred to as the “standardized training of traditional Chinese Medicine”), master of traditional Chinese medicine need to leave the school as a whole and enter the hospitals of various training bases for clinical rotation training. So how to optimize the construction of Party branches, how to carry out organizational activities, how to strengthen the ideological guidance are the outstanding problems that colleges and universities are facing. This article analyzes and synthesizes the questions faced by the Party building work of the master of traditional Chinese medicine, explores the effective scheme of the Party construction work, and puts forward countermeasures and views, so as to promote the high-quality development of the Party building work of the master of traditional Chinese medicine, and then to realize the purpose of improving the comprehensive quality of graduate students.
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