Exploration on the theory of sore and ulcer with “half yin and half yang syndrome” in traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of “yin-yang theory” |
JIAO Yuqi DANG Ying HAI Ri LAN Dandan LI Yuewei SHI Jianping |
School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010110, China |
Abstract Sore and ulcer are the surgical diseases that occur on the body surface. According to the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and characteristics of pulse manifestation, it can be distinguished as yang syndrome, half yin and half yang syndrome and yin syndrome. In clinics, sore and ulcer with pure yang syndrome or yin syndrome are rare. Most cases are yang in yin and yin in yang. Therefore, “half yin and half yang syndrome” is the key to the treatment of sore and ulcer. However, yin and yang changes in this syndrome often make it difficult for doctors to understand its true meaning. Thus, it is impossible to use drugs flexibly. Based on “yin-yang theory”, this article combines with the relativity, universality and particularity of yin and yang to analyze syndrome changes and clinical medication records of “half yin and half yang syndrome” of physicians in the past dynasties. It has been concluded that “half yin and half yang syndrome” is a key transitional stage of sore and ulcer from the yang syndrome to the yin syndrome and manifests two components of yin and yang. It is a temporary equilibrium of the disease, but it is also a danger. Incorrect treatment can easily cause pure yin syndrome and become difficult to treat. The treatment focuses on reconciling hot and cold, deficiency and excess, qi and blood with warm medicine, and transforming yin to yang to reconcile yin and yang. The outcome of syndromes lies in the ebb and flow of the opposite elements of the yin and yang attributes.
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