Guiding ideology and fundamental adherence of health emergency management training in China |
ZHANG Wei1 WU Wei1 Nulanbieke·Hasenbieke1 JIA Xiaoting1 ZHU Qing1 ZHU Yu1 XU Peihai1 WANG Qinchi2 |
1.Project Cooperation Department, Administrators Training Center of the National Health Commission of PRC (Party School of the National Health Commission of PRC), Beijing 100024, China;
2.China Population and Development Research Center, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract The capability of emergency management of public health is an important part of the national governance capabilities. The prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic highlights the advantages of the socialism system with Chinese characteristics, but also exposes some problems and weaknesses of China’s capacity building of emergency management of public health. Urgent training of emergency management of public health is required to be strengthened. The training of emergency management of public health should be carried on in accordance with the party’s basic strategy of governing the country, the new situation and new tasks of health work, the scientific methods and basic laws of cadre capability building, under guidance of the holistic view of national security, and clearly clarify the target orientation, focal and important points of the training of emergency management of public health, and carry out the party’s cadre education theory and principles and policies, and implement the strategy of comprehensively governing the country according to law, and improve the cadre’s integrative capability and professional qualities of emergency management of public health comprehensively.
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