Investigation on professional identity and learning motivation of medical device majors in higher vocational colleges |
ZHAO Xiangxin MA Ying YANG Weidong WANG Weijun |
School of Medical Device, Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315503, China |
Abstract Objective To study the professional identity and learning motivation status of medical device students in higher vocational colleges, and to provide references for improving the quality of talent cultivation. Methods From September 2015 to December 2016, the stratified random sampling method and self-made questionnaires were used. A survey was conducted among vocational students in the first to third grades of three majors: precision medical device technology, medical device maintenance and management, and medical device operation and management in Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College. The professional identity and learning motivation of students and their impact on learning effectiveness, and based on the analysis results were proposed countermeasures. Results A total of 389 students were surveyed in this study, and 379 questionnaires were valid, with an effective rate of 97.43%. The results showed that the family background and environment of most medical device majors in higher vocational colleges were relatively disadvantaged. There was a certain degree of blindness in professional choice, and it was not easy to produce professional identification and self-confidence. The learning motivations emphasize material pursuits of students and their learning attitudes were relatively negative, which affected the effectiveness of learning and the quality of talent training. Conclusion Talents cultivation should pay attention to the combination of “selection” and “education”, prepare in advance and take various measures with industry-wide participation, enhance major identity, and improve the quality of medical devices majors in higher vocational colleges.
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