Guiding significance of “five zang viscera and six fu viscera all make people cough” in the treatment of dyspnea syndrome |
ZHANG Qun ZHAO Xutao▲ |
Department of Internal Medicine, Ji’nan Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shandong Province, Ji’nan 250012, China |
Abstract Dyspnea syndrome is a common disease in the lung system. No matter what kind of cough and dyspnea, it is always closely related to lungs. However, in clinical treatment, excessive attention is paid to the changes in the pathogenesis of the lungs, and the connection between the five zang viscera and six fu viscera is ignored, thus affecting the therapeutic effect of dyspnea syndrome. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the ancient maxims, Suwen points out that “five zang viscera and six fu viscera all make people cough, not only the lung”. Taking this as the guiding ideology, this paper discusses the internal relationship between the five zang viscera and six fu viscera in the pathogenetic process of dyspnea syndrome. It is clear that the five zang viscera and six fu viscera are connected by meridians, and the zang-fu viscera both are interior and exterior. They rely on each other and also restrict each other. They also influenced each other through the pathological products such as phlegm and fluid retention and static blood. The imbalance can affect the lungs and cause dyspnea syndrome. Therefore, this paper takes this as a clue in the treatment of dyspnea syndrome, emphasizes the lung as the center, and starts from the connection between the five zang viscera and six fu viscera, physiological functions, pathogenesis, pathological products, balance between qi and blood, yin and yang, etc., to elaborate the connotation and extension of the treatment of dyspnea syndrome, reflecting the holism and treatment based on syndrome differentiation.
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