Treatment of fatigue after stroke from the spleen and kidney theory |
LEI Simin1 HAN Zucheng2▲ ZHANG Ziyi1 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China;
2.the Second Department of Encephalopathy, Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710003, China |
Abstract Fatigue is a common symptom after stroke, which seriously affects functional exercise and quality of life of patients, thus resulting in poor overall recovery effect. Traditional Chinese medicine has sufficient theoretical support and experiential summary in the treatment of fatigue after stroke. Based on the congenital and acquired theory, it is believed that the disorder of spleen and kidney is closely associated with this disease. The core pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen, which leads to deficiency of source. And the deficiency of kidney leads to yin-yang disharmony. Deficiency of spleen and kidney leads to deficiency of qi, blood, yin-yang, and on this basis, it is easily affected by such excessive pathogens as dampness, phlegm, blood stasis and stagnation. This paper points out that focusing on the spleen and kidney is the key to the treatment of fatigue after stroke, based on invigorating spleen and kidney. At the same time, eliminating dampness, dissipating phlegm, promoting blood circulation and regulating qi-flowing, both manifestation and root cause are taken into account, and the curative effect is significant.
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