Investigation of oral treatment concepts and behavior in health cadres population in Beijing |
LIU Chunxiu1 WANG Hongyu2 LIU Xia1 XIAO Ying1 BIAN Xiang1 SHI Yaqi2 |
1.Department of Stomatology, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China;
2.Information Center, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the oral medical treatment concepts and behaviors in healthcare cadre group in Beijing. Methods The healthcare cadres were recruited, who had participated in questionnaire survey in Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital from January to May 2015. The analysis of survey data was performed by using SPSS 19.0. Results The totally sample capacity was 461 cases, including 211 males and 250 females. Among them, a total of 314 patients with 133 males and 181 females were treated with oral therapy in the past year, and the consultation rate of male and female was 63.03% and 72.40% respectively. The consultation rate of female was higher than that of male, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=4.622, P < 0.05). "Checking oral problems" (28.66%) and "taking preventive measures" (1.91%) were the primary and least reasons for patients to visit the dentist. General hospitals were chosen by most of patients (39.81%), but primary hospitals were only selected by very few of them (0.96%). "Oral treatmentis too trouble" (67.65%), "hospital registration is too difficult" (36.27%), and "patients have no time" (33.33%) were the top three reasons why patients were not treated in time. Conclusion The oral treatment concept of healthcare cadre group in Beijing is insufficient. Besides, the concept of males is weaker than that of females. Carrying out targeted oral health education, regular oral health examination, and strengthening the construction of primary medical institutions are important measures to improve the oral consultation rate of this group.
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