Refined research and development of the ophthalmic appointment source pool system |
WU Peiyu FENG Kemi HU Ruilin |
Eye Clinic, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medicine University, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou 325000, China |
Abstract Objective To contract a hospital number pool sharing platform based on the service-oriented architecture architecture to maximize the sharing of appointment number sources, based on the refined research and development and application of the ophthalmic appointment source pool system. Methods The ophthalmology appointment source pool system was applied to the outpatient of Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medicine University from April 2018 to March 2019, while the number pool system applied before and after the application of the number of outpatient appointment sources, total number of visits and changes in the rate of absentee appointments were analyzed. Results After the ophthalmology number pool system was applied to outpatient clinics, the total number of patients who made appointments on site was reduced by 35 582. There was a statistically significant difference in the source of appointments before and after the application of the number pool system for half a year (P < 0.05). The system increased the total number of outpatients by 56 345, and reduced the rate of missed appointments from 7.3% to 6.6%. There was a statistically significant difference in the number of total patients, online appointments, and on-site appointments before and after the application of the number pool system (P < 0.05). Conclusion After the application of the ophthalmology appointment source pool system, the congestion on the outpatient clinic site is significantly alleviated, the total number of patient visits are increased, and the rate of missed appointments are decreased. The ophthalmology appointment source pool system can improve outpatient management and improve patient experience.
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