Influence of suiyun master’s time on the incidence of breast lump based on the theory of yunqi |
ZHANG Xiulei1 ZHANG Shiyuan1 ZHANG Shuo2 CHEN Zhenlin3 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China;
2.Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
3.Graduate School, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Shaanxi Province, Xianyang 712046, China |
Abstract Breast lump is a common and frequent disease among women of childbearing period. Syndrome differentiation and treatment of diseases with yunqi theory embody the idea of “correspondence between human body and natural environment” in traditional Chinese medicine, highlight the impact of natural climate change on disease occurrence. From the point of view of the theory of yunqi, the occurrence of breast lump is mainly due to the excessive transport of year evolutive phases, the prevalence of benqi, or the lack of year evolutive plases and zangqi, which causes the normal physiological dysfunction of the liver, spleen, kidney, Chong and Conception channels, and other organs and channels. In the excessive year of muyun, tuyun and jinyun, the lack year of muyun, tuyun and jinyun, the effect of natural climate change on human body caused the most obvious changes of liver loss, spleen deficiency and dampness accumulation, and imbalance of Chong and Conception channels. Breast lump is relatively frequent. In addition, the qi of celestial manager qi and qi in the earth in some years and the “assimilation of yun and qi” of suiyun can further affect the occurrence of breast lump. Application of the theory of yunqi to explain the occurrence of breast lump, it enriches the etiology and pathogenesis of mastitis. It has played an important role in guiding clinical syndrome differentiation and treatment, health preservation and disease prevention.
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