Analysis of academic planning strategies for freshmen in marketing major of medicine and pharmacology colleges and universities based on major recognition |
LI Ang HAN Yanhua WANG Qiuying |
School of Humanities and Management, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Aiming at the problems of lack of understanding of the marketing major of medicine and pharmacology colleges and universities and insufficient recognition of the major in the college entrance stage, the lack of academic planning at the college level and the confusion about the learning of professional knowledge will occur. The freshmen majoring in marketing among medicine and pharmacology colleges and universities in Heilongjiang province as the study subjects, we conducted research and learned that they did not have a strong sense of belonging to the marketing major in medical schools, freshmen lacked a systematic understanding of professional training goals, curriculum settings and development directions and felt at loss for professional courses but still had the willingness to study. Taking this as an entry point, we proposes to strengthen the professional cognitive education for freshmen to stimulate students’ interest in professional learning, combine their own characteristics to strengthen the planning of personal postgraduate entrance examinations and employment directions, strengthen professional adaptation education and broaden students’ professional horizons through various forms, which will help students to better learn professional knowledge and promote the formation of a good style of study.
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