Based on Marx’s theory of social division of labor,three principles of undergraduate vocational education for rehabilitation medicine majors in colleges of traditional Chinese medicine |
ZENG Xuelu LI Baoqin WANG Qiuying GUO Qian |
College of Humanities and Management, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract The specialty of rehabilitation medicine has the characteristics of multi-discipline, extensiveness and sociality, and it is also a subject with strong application. Therefore, it is of practical significance for the research and talent cultivation of the vocational education of rehabilitation medicine majors. At present, there is a certain contradiction between the number of rehabilitation professionals of traditional Chinese medicine and the social rehabilitation needs. We should strengthen the vocational education for undergraduate rehabilitation professionals in higher traditional Chinese medicine education, and improve the overall quality of rehabilitation professionals of traditional Chinese medicine, it is an important measure to transform the theory and knowledge of rehabilitation medicine specialty into professional abilities. Therefore, on the basis of the three principles of “specialization of labor” “industrialization of labor” and “regional division of labor” based on Marx’s social division of labor theory, this paper analyzes the necessity of the vocational education of rehabilitation medicine in higher education of traditional Chinese medicine, to perfect and develop the education of rehabilitation medicine in higher education of traditional Chinese medicine.
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