Professor Ding Zhiguo’s experience in treating hyperthyroidism based on the theory of “facilitating the stagnant wood” |
GE Yaxue1 QI Shuo2 CHEN Xiaoheng2 LI Zhe2 LI Huilong2 LIU Meijun1 DING Zhiguo2 |
1.The First Clinical Medical College, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China;
2.Department of Thyroid, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China |
Abstract Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine and metabolic disease, which belongs to the category of “goiter disease” in traditional Chinese medicine. Western medicine currently uses 131I, antithyroid drugs, surgical resection, etc. as the main methods of treatment for hyperthyroidism, but with potential serious side effects and the risk of recurrence or persistent hyperthyroidism, which often become the important factors to limit the therapeutic effect of this disease. Based on the traditional Chinese medicine characteristics of “holistic concept, differentiation and treatment based on syndrome differentiation”, Professor Ding Zhiguo proposes the theory of “Yeben Xiangying”. He believes that the cause of hyperthyroidism is closely related to mood, and liver depression and qi stagnation are the important reasons for the occurrence and development of this disease. Starting from the liver, “facilitating the stagnant wood”, soothing the liver, clearing the liver, calming the liver, nourishing the liver, maintaining the smooth of qi movement, in order to “achieve it”.
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