Study on the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psoriasis based on ancient literatures |
LI Yang PEI Li |
Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psoriasis in the ancient medical literatures of China, and to provide reference for the treatment of contemporary psoriasis. Methods The contents of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psoriasis in ancient literatures were collected and sorted. The data mining technology was used to analyze the frequency, type and frequency of drug properties of psoriasis treatment, and 51 high frequency drugs were taken clustering analysis through SPSS software. Results This paper showed that the drugs involved in the treatment of psoriasis in the ancient medical literatures of China were 294 flavors, of which, high frequency drugs were 51 flavors. The kinds of 294 drugs were mainly heat-clearing drugs, superficies-relieving drugs, expelling superficial evils and destroying parasites drugs, restoring vital energy drugs, accounted for 50% of all drugs. The drug properties and pharmaceutical tastes were mainly warm, cold, calm and bitter, pungent, sweet. Conclusion This paper summarizes the medication rules of psoriasis in ancient China, reveals the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of psoriasis, and provides reference and basis for clinical research of dominant diseases of traditional Chinese medicine.
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