Application of PDCA cycle in the process of fund declaration of National Natural Science Foundation of China in Peking University of Aerospace Clinical Medicine School |
GAO Yuan SHI Han JIAO Jingxuan WANG Hongquan |
Office of Academic Research, Aerospace Center Hospital (Peking University of Aerospace Clinical Medicine School), Beijing 100049, China |
Abstract The number of projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the amount of funding provided by NSFC are important indicators of the influence of hospital in terms of science and technology. To its application for NSFC and the management of the application, Peking University of Aerospace Clinical Medicine School applied the theory of PDCA cycle. First, the hospital analyze the influential factors in the process of application and created a project management plan. Then it take various measures according to the plan, including revising the reward policy on scientific research, attaching great importance to scientific research, managing the process of application in detail, improving human resources management, supporting the development of distinctive disciplines in the hospital, and improving the training system. Based on the feedback on the application from NSFC, a summary is made. The process of application shows that the PDCA cycle management method is able to improve the quality and quantity of the projects applied for and funded by NSFC, also achieving continuous advancement of project management.
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