Reform and exploration of innovation and entrepreneurship education system in the higher school of Chinese medicine under the background of new medicine |
LIU Yang LI Baoqin |
Humanity and Management College, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China |
Abstract With the arrival of a new round of scientific and technological revolution, medical education is deeply integrated with the internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other modern information technologies. In order to meet the realistic demand of healthy China strategy and the social demand for compound medical talents, new medical science was born. Under the background of new medicine, in order to promote the implementation of the healthy China strategy and accelerate the development of traditional Chinese medicine health industry, the higher school of Chinese medicine which is the cradle of cultivating high-quality talents with innovative consciousness and spirit, should conform to the trend of the times and reform the education system for innovation and entrepreneurship. They should focus on changing the concept of education, improving practice platform and the security system to optimize the education system for innovation and entrepreneurship in the higher school of Chinese medicine. In this way, it can provide beneficial guidance for training top-notch innovative talents in traditional Chinese medicine industry that meet the requirements of medical development in the new era.
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